606.2 School Ceremonies and observances

The school district will continue school ceremonies and observances which have become a tradition and a custom of the education program. The school district’s practices should further curricular goals and objectives and be integrated into the regular education programming whenever possible.  Any ceremony, observance, recognition, or party must comply with the school district’s policy on multi-cultural, gender fair education and religion in the school.

Students who do not wish to participate in these activities may be silent during the ceremony or observance or receive permission from the principal to be excused from the ceremony for religious reasons in compliance with board policy.

Legal Reference:

U.S. Const. amend. I.

Iowa Code § 279.8.

Cross Reference:

603 Instructional Curriculum
604.5 Religious-Based Exclusion From A School Program

Approved 9-20-04      Reviewed 11-19-07 11-21-16    3-18-19   Revised  3-18-19